Well you’ve just gotta love this game called life, it’s never dull. Keeps you on your toes and all. I have to say, every day is, yes, a blessing, and should be cherished for what it’s worth. But some days you just want to cry, or should I say rather weeks, when everything just builds up to the point of explosion, and crying is just the best release of all that pent up energy. If stress could somehow be converted into energy, the world would be rich! That’s how I fell right now. I just want to cry, hoping perhaps in the deepest corner of my mind that, crying will suddenly fix everything. You know…make it all better. But, as always this isn’t the reality of life, sure crying makes you feel better, it’s still a release but it is only a temporary fix. The effects of which wear off gradually, returning you to your former state. It stands to reason that your stress level could be measured by the amount of times you cry per week. Look at me sounding all philosophical and like such a smartass; hmm, so deceiving.
I am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch; crazy going slowly am I 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch. So does anybody care to hear of the cause my increasing energy levels. Well this is where I will vent stuff; so feel free to read and comment, I do welcome it, but do remember I am venting so if I say something offensive, sorry.
p.s. my grammar and spelling sucks I know. I love spell check!