just me venting, i find writting the very best way to blow off some stream or reduce some stress
Published on August 13, 2007 By M. ADAM In Blogging
Well you’ve just gotta love this game called life, it’s never dull. Keeps you on your toes and all. I have to say, every day is, yes, a blessing, and should be cherished for what it’s worth. But some days you just want to cry, or should I say rather weeks, when everything just builds up to the point of explosion, and crying is just the best release of all that pent up energy. If stress could somehow be converted into energy, the world would be rich! That’s how I fell right now. I just want to cry, hoping perhaps in the deepest corner of my mind that, crying will suddenly fix everything. You know…make it all better. But, as always this isn’t the reality of life, sure crying makes you feel better, it’s still a release but it is only a temporary fix. The effects of which wear off gradually, returning you to your former state. It stands to reason that your stress level could be measured by the amount of times you cry per week. Look at me sounding all philosophical and like such a smartass; hmm, so deceiving.

I am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch; crazy going slowly am I 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch. So does anybody care to hear of the cause my increasing energy levels. Well this is where I will vent stuff; so feel free to read and comment, I do welcome it, but do remember I am venting so if I say something offensive, sorry.

p.s. my grammar and spelling sucks I know. I love spell check!

on Aug 14, 2007
Welcome to JoeUser. A lot of folk here use the site to vent, so I don't think you'll be alone. I do hope whatever is bringing you down will reverse itself. And just for the record, I think crying sometimes is the best thing you can do to relieve any pent-up stress. So go ahead and cry...

on Aug 14, 2007
Welcome to JU, M. ADAM. Blogging is an excellent way to vent. We've all done it here at one time or another. So, vent away...
on Aug 14, 2007
Welcome to JU.

or should I say rather weeks,

Try years. *SIGH*

That’s how I fell right now. I just want to cry, hoping perhaps in the deepest corner of my mind that, crying will suddenly fix everything.

I have the same delusion, but with talking. I think if I can just have one good conversation everything will magically right itself and the streets will be strewn with flower petals and people happily riding unicorns. There are rainbows in the sky, too. Lots of rainbows. And Care Bears. Except the bears aren't in the sky. They're on the sidewalks, waving at the people on the unicorns.

Believe it or not, talking doesn't seem to change anything, though. Too bad. Couldn't we all use a little Care Bear in our days?

(It's the time of night when I get goofy.)
on Aug 14, 2007
Welcome aboard.
on Aug 14, 2007
thanks all for the comments they were encouraging

now Gene Nash don't worry about being silly, i truly do appreciate sillyness in life as well as sarcasm ... it makes me laugh.
and i hear you on the talking i do like to do that, but i find i am more apt to omit certain things if im talking rather than writting. i admit it i am a chicken shit somethings i cant say to someones face. this is a work in pogress, mt confidence is typically lacking.

more to come soon. but bedtime nowi have to work at 6 in the morning.
on Aug 15, 2007
Hey baby!

I feel that way, too. Sucks, cuz it's the first time in my life I HAVE felt like this, and I feel like im being punished for making fun of all "depressed" friends all this time.

ugh...I feel you.
