I am sick of, absolutely sick of people thinking I can’t do something. It’s depressing and frustrating. It’s like sorry fuck you, what gives you the right to decide that I cannot do something because I am a girl or because I am a student. I’m starting to believe I don’t handle stressful situations very well. Always thought I did; but very recently so much stuff is going on that I tend to feel depressed and just lie around. Sure I do stuff, like I don’t necessarily shirk my responsibili...
my friend asked me the other day ... why does life have such a sick sense of humor... i replied... if you don't laugh then it's not so funny, but laughter is a gift, so every now and then life plays some cruel joke to test your sense of humor, it's weather you can laugh and move on that is the real question. i'd just like to hear some other people's thoughts on this...
Dorian Grey, ring a bell anyone? Hmm, maybe not. I do love literal references though, it is one thing I truly enjoy seeing in a movie, in a song, and so forth. Typically used like a metaphor, literal references refer to a character from literature, just as the name suggests I guess. So anyways the most recent literal reference I have heard is in the song “tears and rain”- by James Blunt. In the song the lyric “hides his true shape, like Dorian Grey”, this lyric immediately piqued my interest ...
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Summer ‘06 This summer I have had emotional breakdown after breakdown (little did anyone know), I have learned many things about myself and yet, still so much left to figure out. The other day on this show I was watching, the following concept was expressed. Some people hide from emotion behind a glass wall, watching what happens around them and trying to control it. While others hide from emotion through anything they can put in their mouth. (and they said you don’t learn anything from t.v....
Well you’ve just gotta love this game called life, it’s never dull. Keeps you on your toes and all. I have to say, every day is, yes, a blessing, and should be cherished for what it’s worth. But some days you just want to cry, or should I say rather weeks, when everything just builds up to the point of explosion, and crying is just the best release of all that pent up energy. If stress could somehow be converted into energy, the world would be rich! That’s how I fell right now. I just want to...